Simple & Safe Dog Paw Balm

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Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.
— Orhan Pamuk

As you may know by now, I love to moisturize my skin. From salves to face cream to cuticle cream, I love it all. But believe it or not friends, dogs need moisturized too and lately my dog’s paws have been so dry and cracked – thank you Colorado dryness. It’s bad for us all and since my fur babies need love, I decided to try making my own dog paw balm. Luckily, I found a recipe that is great, and safe, for pets.

This balm is simple to make and is completely safe for animals, and since we’re approaching cold weather, I know their dry paws are only going to get worse. Those frigid temperatures are coming soon and can dry out and damage the pads of their feet, which can be painful for them. So if you’re looking for something to sooth their dry skin and possibly pain, try this dog paw balm. Because caring for your pooch means caring for their paws too.

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Think about how your feet feel after a long hike, for example. Kind of rough and achy, right? Well if you’re taking your dog with you, likely their paws may feel a little rough too. Whether in hot or cold weather, extreme temperate can affect their skin. We all have our limits after all so as a loving dog owner you need to care for and protect them every way you can.

Interestingly, this balm great on paws but also for a dry nose or even ashy elbows (are they considered elbows?). This recipe is natural, organic, and completely safe for our pets to lick, because you know they will.


So if you’re like me and want to do anything for them, then try this balm out so you can keep their paws soft and safe.

How to Make This Safe Dog Paw Balm




Place a double boiler over a pot of simmering water and add all ingredients.

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Allow the beeswax to completely melt, stirring now and again. This may take 5-10 minutes to fully melt.

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Once the mixture is completely melted, remove from heat, and carefully pour into small tins, or mason jars.

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Allow the balm to sit and cool completely before putting the lid on.

Use a small amount on your dog’s paws, nose or elbows as needed. 

I hope this helps heal your pets dry skin and if you have any questions on the recipe, send me an email.

Did you try making this dog balm recipe?
Please leave a comment below or share a photo on Instagram and tag @TheSunshineHustle.

Peace & Love for our furry friends.

Always take care of your dog. Because he will always be there for you.
— Leila Grandemange

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