Healing Homemade Neosporin Alterative

Does anyone else have a tendency to bump, bruise, scrape, burn or cut yourself on the regular? Well, I do and sometimes I don’t even know where they come from. A scrape on my hands or arms happens all the time and I usually just let them be and go about my day. Needless to say I have plenty of kitchen and garden battle wound scars so I decided I should probably take better care of my limbs like I do my face.

As I’m sure you know Neosporin is what you use to treat minor wounds and prevent or treat mild skin infections. But seriously, it’s filled with synthetic toxins, which by now you know is not my cup of tea.

So, – surprise, surprise – I had to figure out how to make my own Neosporin. I did a little research to find tons of Neosporin recipes and built a recipe with some of my favorite herbal ingredients. Coconut oil, calendula and sweet, sweet, lavender. I absolutely love making salves, so this recipe is made the same way and it not only has incredible healing properties but also keeps your hands soft and moisturized.

So let’s talk about the herbal ingredients first.

Calendula is a marigold plant that has historically been used for ailments affecting the skin like healing wounds (perfect for this salve), soothing eczema and even diaper rash. It has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that make it perfect in this salve.

Lavender not only smells amazing but is great in aromatherapy, helps with anxiety and sleeping, and is great for skin and hair. Benefits of lavender are seen in both the flower and essential oil form and in this recipe, I use both.

Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree oil, when used topically, is believed to be antibacterial and can be used for SO many things. It can be used as an insect repellant, or treat acne, athlete’s foot & nail fungus. It can also be used as a natural deodorant, all-purpose cleaner, soothe skin irritation, used for an antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes, and boost wound healing (ahem).

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains nourishing fatty acids that help hydrate, protect and soften your skin. Using coconut oil can reduce inflammation and promotes would healing. It is antibacterial, antifungal, and has antiviral properties.

Interested in learning how to make this homemade Neosporin?



In a double boiler, combine the coconut oil and olive oil, allowing the coconut oil to melt completely. Once melted, add in the dried calendula and dried lavender. Allow the herbs to infuse for 30 minutes over low heat.

After 30 minutes, strain the calendula and lavender by pouring the mixture over cheesecloth to filter out the herbs. Be sure to squeeze every last drop of that liquid out.

Return the infused oil to the double boiler and while keeping the stove on low heat, add the beeswax, stirring until melted.

Remove from the heat and allow to cool for no more than 2 minutes.

Add the essential oils and stir well.

Pour your salve into a jar and allow to solidify completely.

Use on any bump, scrape, cut, burn, or any other ouchie you may have. Salve should last around 12-months.

There you have it. Your very own, herbal infused, natural Neosporin. Heal those wounds with love from our earth.

Peace & Love.


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