Get More Rest With This Sleepytime Herbal Tea

I love a good cup of tea and especially love sleepytime tea at night before bed this time of year. Cold wintery nights and a cup of tea go together like peanut butter and jelly!

Since I love making my own remedies, I decided to do some research to find the best ingredients for a night-time, calming tea. This recipe not only tastes delightful, but reduces stress & anxiety, and is a wonderfully natural sleep aid. Additionally, now that the holidays are over and being ‘back-to-work’ sets in, I can always use a little extra something to relax at night.

Before I get into how to make this tea on your own, let’s talk about the extraordinary herbal ingredients in this recipe.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice. Everything I share here is based on my own experience. I am simply a gal who loves to research herbal remedies online and share the beautiful wealth. Please be sure to consult with your doctor before using. Some ingredients may not be safe for use during pregnancy.

We all know about Chamomile, but did you know it’s been used since 500 BC to treat things like fever, headaches, kidney, liver, and bladder problems, digestive issues, muscle spasms, anxiety, insomnia, skin irritations, bruises, gout, ulcers, and many other disorders. Crazy Right? Well, today Chamomile is mostly used to help with insomnia, anxiety, and sleep. A key ingredient in this tea.  

Oh, how I love lavender. Its soothing scent makes me happy and calm and has the ability to freshen just about anything. But even more, this beautiful herb can improve sleep, reduce blood pressure, relieve asthma symptoms, and treat skin issues.  

Hops is more than an ingredient for beer. The dried, flowering part of the hops plant is so wonderful and can be used to treat anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, tension, and irritability. Clearly it’s a perfect ingredient for tea too.

I’ve mentioned catnip before and this herb is used medicinally for restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, anxiety, and even headaches. It can also be used for indigestion or cramping.

Valerian Root
Valerian root has tremendous medicinal benefits and has been used since the dawn of time. Today herbalists use it for insomnia and sleep issues, anxiety, depression, PMS, menopause symptoms, and yes, headaches. It’s even been touted by some as a safe and natural alternative to prescription anxiety drugs like Xanax or Valium. FYI, this one does have a fairly bitter flavor, so the mix of all ingredients in this recipe help with taste.

St. John’s Wort
This herb is so interesting and contains many chemicals that act on messengers in the brain that regulate mood. It is most commonly used for depression and mood disorders but can be effective for mild depression and even symptoms of menopause. Please note it can cause serious interactions with some drugs, so it is always best to discuss with your doctor before using St. John’s Wort.

Rosehips contain a large amount of vitamin C and due to its high levels of antioxidants, in tea it can boost your immune system, aid in weight loss, reduce joint pain, support healthy-looking skin, and protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Even better, for this recipe it will add a little bit of sweetness to your tea.

Each one of these delightful earth-provided herbs provides a special component to the perfect cup of tea that will help you rest, feel calm, and sleep better. So please, make this recipe and sip your tea with an open heart, calm mind, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

Interested in learning how to make this sleepytime tea? Here you go…



  1. Choose your size of measuring spoon to make your tea. For example, choose a tablespoon or teaspoon and measure according to the ‘parts’ listed in ingredients. I typically use a tablespoon to make a larger amount to have on hand.

  2. Measure ingredients out in a bowl – 8 scoops of chamomile flowers, 3 scoops of hops and catnip, 1 scoop of lavender, St. John's Wort, valerian root, and rosehips.

  3. Stir everything together to mix well and store in a jar.

  4. To prepare the tea, be sure to shake the jar to mix the herbs together.

  5. Add about 1 tablespoon of tea mixture to a steeper and pour boiling water over top in a cup. Allow mixture to steep for 5-10 minutes before drinking.


  • Feel free to add a little raw honey or a splash of lemon to add an extra love to your tea.

  • IMPORTANT: A few ingredients in this recipe have been noted as not being safe for use during pregnancy. Please be sure to consult with your doctor before using.

Peace & So Much Love,

Do you drink sleepytime tea? Did you try this (or another) recipe?
Please leave a comment below or share a photo on Instagram and tag @TheSunshineHustle. Your comments fill my heart.


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