Surviving Quarantine, and Unemployment


“Quarantine has me realizing why my dogs get so excited about something moving outside.” 

Dog at door.jpg

It’s official, I’ve been at home interacting with only my husband and 2 dogs since mid-March, all while being unemployed due to COVID-19. In the beginning I got through by relaxing days and funny memes. But some days, I’m about to go off the deep end! Other than grocery trips, liquor stores, gas stations or my animated excitement towards passerby’s on my neighborhood walks, I haven’t been around other humans in a long time. And of course, I wear my homemade masks when I do venture out.

I have a husband who watches the terrifying news all day. He knows every single detail to the constantly changing virus symptoms. He knows the numbers, the rules, the rumors, how it spreads, what we should be doing, what’s open, what’s closed, what should be closed, what people are doing wrong, and so on. I now know these things as well, but unlike my husband, I can’t handle it all. It’s too much and I’m close to losing my shit.

I miss my friends, family, colleagues, gym, happy hours, dinner out, shopping and complete social interaction. But I’m playing it safe now in hopes we can slow this virus down. I know there are people out there who think that’s crazy, but I believe it’s real and will do my damnedest to protect all those humans.

Survival of the fittest feels real these days so I decided to share how this jobless extrovert with an overly informed husband has adjusted to my new environment and how I am surviving at home.

  1. First and foremost – it isn’t easy. So just know that and deal with it. Remember that you will have bad days, but tomorrow the sun will shine, and you’ll live to tell another tale. So, try to stay positive because with one bad day comes one good day.

  2. Get up early. I’ve personally never been a morning person and always hated that saying ‘the early bird catches the worm’ (eye roll). However, since quarantine and unemployment, I’ve been doing my best to get up early and start the day. Studies show that getting up early = success. It gives you a kickstart for the day, improves mental fitness, enhances your positivity and provides better sleep quality. So get up, showered and out of those PJs!

  3. On the topic of sleep, go to bed early! Sleep deprivation will make everything worse. We’re all stressed enough with the state of the world. Lack of sleep gives you brain fog, feeling blue and affects your overall health. So drink a cup of sleepytime tea, turn off the TV, turn on your sleep sounds app and close those tired eyes.

  4. Create a daily checklist of things to do. I set reminders on my phone for 7:00am every day. This includes things like searching and applying for jobs, tend to garden, cleaning, go for a walk, pay a bill, pick up groceries, watch webinar (to learn something new), schedule a virtual call, make dog treats, etc. Just make the list and check it off. It feels good.

  5. Stay active. I can’t stress this enough. Don’t just sit and watch TV all day. I did this for a few days in a row and I found myself super glum. As relaxing as it is, save it for the evening. Go do something. My daily routine consists of a 4-5 mile walk each day, followed by at least 30-minutes of yoga. Check out Yoga with Adriene. She’s great and offers so many options for levels, length and mood.

  6. If you are unemployed, spend at least 1 hour per day job searching. It’s hard when we’re competing with hundreds of applicants so try to find ways to stand out. Jazz up your resume and tailor to fit the job posting. Contact companies that interest you directly vs. just applying online. Follow up with your application submissions. Find a recruiter. Ask for references. Network on LinkedIn. And just stay confident and kind to yourself. I know this is easier said than done – I’ve really struggled with it – but try to keep that sunshine hustle going!

  7. Learn something new. Whether that’s how to cook a new recipe, make a homemade craft or upping your career skills. I’ve been in marketing for a LONG time and while unemployed I’ve revisited Google Analytics, refreshed my SEO skills, built this website, and watched a ton of free webinars on digital tactics. I even started teaching myself how to play the harmonica (not that I’m any good).

  8. Go for a drive. I’m fortunate enough to live in Colorado in an area that I could drive for hours enjoying the scenery. Wherever you live, try going for a drive or bike ride. It’s relaxing. You'll have alone time to clear your mind, think, and practice mindfulness.

  9. Listen to music. Whether that’s out on a walk, or as you’re doing something around the house, create your playlist and make it good! You can even support the struggling live music scene by purchasing live streams and buying merchandise from your favorite artist. My husband and I have enjoyed streaming shows from Twiddle, Greensky Bluegrass, Billy Strings, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong and many others. Some are free, some cost money but remember, you are supporting the band.

  10. Try meditating. Breathe, and just breathe. Meditation reduces stress, helps control anxiety, enhances self-awareness and has so many other benefits. Try Insight Timer or Headspace.

  11. Read a book. Reading strengthens your brain, helps to reduce stress, helps you sleep and even builds your vocabulary. These all sound amazing right? So go pick up a book and get reading in your spare time. Here are some of my recent favorites:

    Triumph of the Heart – Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World – written by a dear friend, Megan Feldman explores how forgiveness, when practiced in the right ways, can save lives, make us happier and healthier, and lead to a better world. Forgiveness is hard and everyone needs a little bit of this read!

    Educated – A memoir by Tara Westover who set foot in a classroom for the first time at age 17. This interesting story recounts how she overcame her survivalist Mormon family in order to go to college. This book reminded me that we can push ourselves to do whatever we want.

    Love and Other Consolation Prizes – Based in 1909, Seattle an orphan finds his world turned upside down when he discovers that he will be a prize, raffled off to a ‘good home’ at the city’s famous World Fair. This book is a lovely story of innocence and devotion in a world where everything and everyone is for sale.

    Untamed - As women, we strive to be good partners, daughters, mothers, employees and friends. But this desire can leave us stuck and overwhelmed. This memoir shows how each of us can begin to trust ourselves enough to set boundaries, make peace with our bodies, honor our anger and heartbreak, and unleash our truest, wildest instincts. Girl Power.

    What are your favorite books? Add your recommendations in the comment box below.

  12. Plan your meals. Thinking about what you’ll make for lunch and/or dinner will help occupy your mind. Think healthy and get creative. You could try my Crispy Baked Tofu Wings!

  13. Get outside. While I was out of work and my husband was on summer break, we were fortunate enough to take a few local camping trips during the week. Less people and a safer environment. Regardless of your situation, getting out in the wilderness for even one night or one hour can be strengthening.

  14. Reduce your news intake. Don’t get me wrong, keeping up on what’s happening in our world is very important, but watching it all day, every day is rough. Your soul needs good vibes and lovely thoughts too. I had to tell my hubby to take a break. I just can’t!

  15. Make sure you’re taking at least a little time apart from your significant other if you’re both stuck in the house. Although I’m an extrovert, I need alone time. My husband and I spend a few hours in our day doing our own thing (working, writing, walking, etc.). Then, we regroup together late afternoon to catch up on our “day,” and start prepping dinner for our evening together.  

And if all else fails and you can’t shake the “I’m going to lose my mind” feeling, pour a stiff drink and circle back to #3 above!

What are your tips for surviving at home?

Peace & Love,


Best Camping Tips Part 1: Food