How To Dehydrate Citrus

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Dehydrating foods is a great way to preserve items for longer periods of time. It’s healthy, inexpensive, very easy, increases shelf life, and saves you money! Not bad right?

Last year I decided to buy a dehydrator to dry out my herbs and make sun-dried tomatoes (I literally can’t get enough of them). Then I started exploring how to dry other foods and an interesting favorite has become citrus.

Dehydrating slices of lemons, limes, oranges, and any fruit really, adds incredible flavor and looks really pretty in damn near anything.

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How Can You Use Dehydrated Citrus?

  • Add to a glass of water for flavor

  • Add to tea (iced or hot) to infuse a bright citrus pop

  • Use as a garnish on cocktails

  • Grind into a powder to use on baked goods, soups, or vegetables

  • Make citrus salt for… margaritas!

  • Toss into a stir fry

  • Top a cake or dessert with the beautiful fruit slice

  • String them together for pretty garland during the holidays

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Interesting Tid-Bits on Dehydrating –
Did You Know

  • Other than seeds, everything is edible

  • The fruit will lose over 90% of their weight

  • With lemons and limes, the flesh will darken quite a bit (this is totally fine)

  • The peels can be fairly bitter, so I like to slice off the white pith before dehydrating

  • Dehydrated fruit will last for a very long time as long as it’s stored in a sealed jar out of direct sunlight

You don’t necessarily need a dehydrator for this recipe, you can also dehydrate citrus in the oven. The key is to try and slice the fruit as evenly as possible. Here is how to do it both ways.

How To Dehydrate Citrus with a Dehydrator

Wash and dry citrus fruits then slice into ~1/4” thick slices as evenly as possible and remove visible seeds. Keep in mind the white pith can be very bitter. Depending on use, you may want to peel the fruit and discard as much of the white pith before slicing.

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Place citrus fruit slices on your dehydrator shelves, keeping the slices close enough but not touching.

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Turn dehydrator on and dry for about 4–8 hours until the flesh is completely dried and crunchy. You will need to check on the crispness once in a while. Keep in mind if dehydrating multiple types of fruit in the same batch they may dry at different times.

Once completely dried, use in water, tea, cocktails, or grind into a power to use in your favorite vegetarian recipe. Store in an airtight container in a dark, cool place.

How To Dehydrate Citrus in The Oven

Preheat oven to 200°. Wash and dry citrus fruits and slice into ~1/4” thick slices as evenly as possible and remove seeds. Place the slices on a cooling rack over a baking sheet or parchment paper lined baking sheet. Alternatively, you can line baking sheets with foil and mist with cooking spray to avoid them sticking to the pan.

Bake in the oven until dry, typically between 3–5 hours. For even drying, rotate the baking sheets every hour or so and be sure to check on the drying status since times may vary and to ensure the citrus does not burn.

Pretty easy and can add a very impressive pop to your drink, dinner or dessert!

Enjoy. Peace & Love,

Did you try dehydrating citrus?
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