How to Make Solid Perfume

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I’ve never been one to enjoy a strong-smelling lotion, soap, body spray, or perfume. Most overbearing smells affect my allergies or give me headaches, especially the very strong floral scents some people love. Ever sit next to someone who chose to add a few too many sprays of perfume or cologne? Whew. For my taste, I prefer notes that are subtle, sweet or musky and definitely not too pungent. I never want to be that person that people scooch away from.

For years I didn’t wear any perfumes because I couldn’t find one I liked. So, I of course decided to try making my own with organic ingredients. I use essential oils in a lot of my products and a few years ago tried them with perfume. But not just any type of spray or roller perfume, I had to try using it as a solid perfume. Have you ever tried solid perfumes? I’m obsessed and absolutely love it – and you will to!

Solid perfumes are simply a perfume that has a balm-like consistency instead of a liquid. It’s almost similar to lip balm and you rub it wherever you want to smell lovely. I first discovered solid perfumes when I found a mention of Roots Rose Radish in a Real Simple magazine. I purchased one from their site and from there, decided to figure out how to make my own. And believe it or not, it’s insanely easy.

Aside from the ease of making my own scents, there are actually many reasons I’ve come to love these solid perfumes over store-bought fragrances. Things like:

  1. First and foremost, because they are homemade, organic, and I know exactly what ingredients are going into these little bundles of love.

  2. They are much more convenient over liquid perfumes. They’re small and so much better for travel and transportation – no leaking folks!

  3. The aromatherapy effects of solid perfumes are great. Mixing different oils into your balm can help with a variety of ailments.

  4. It’s a subtle smell, which I appreciate. I never want to be the person who chokes out my neighbors. I want to be that gal that says “oh, that’s my homemade perfume” when someone asks, “what smells so good!”

Are you interested in learning how to make your own handy, divine, and lovely perfume? Here’s your easy step-by-step tutorial.


First you want to choose your carrier oil, and your preference for these oil-based perfumes is entirely up to you. Sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, or jojoba oil are always great choices for making perfume. In this recipe I used sweet almond oil, which I’m sure you’ve seen I use in a lot in my recipes.

Then you’ll need beeswax, which takes the carrier oil form and turns into a solid substance. The beeswax also allows the perfume to last a little longer when you apply to your skin.

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Finally, you need to choose your essential oils. This recipe calls for 3 – vanilla, sandalwood, and sweet orange. Trust me, this mixture makes an incredible aroma on your body.

All you need to do is take a double boiler and add equal parts carrier oil and beeswax. Allow the beeswax to completely melt then remove from the heat.


Allow the oil to cool for 2 minutes and add your essential oils. Stir to combine and pour into your tin or jar.

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Allow the mixture to cool and solidify completely before using. Rub on your neck, wrist or anywhere you want to smell delightful.

Enjoy friends. Peace & Love.


  • 2 teaspoons beeswax

  • 2 teaspoons carrier oil (I used sweet almond oil)

  • 25-30 drops of vanilla essential oil

  • 15-20 drops of sandalwood essential oil

  • 5-10 drops of sweet orange essential oil


  1.  Place a double boiler over a pot of simmering water and add the beeswax and carrier oil.

  2. Allow the beeswax to completely melt, stirring frequently. This may take 5-10 minutes to fully melt.

  3. Remove double boiler from heat and allow the melted mixture to cool for 2 minutes. You don’t want to let it sit longer than that as the mixture will begin to solidify.

  4. Add the essential oils and stir to combine.

  5. Pour the liquid into a small tin or jar and allow to cool and solidify completely before using.

  6. Rub a small amount onto your wrist or neck and enjoy!

NOTE: the above ingredients make enough to fill a 1-ounce container.

Did you try making your own solid perfume?
Please leave a comment below or share a photo on Instagram @TheSunshineHustle.


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