Morning Rituals to Have a Better Day
“Wake up and smell the routine.”
Ok let’s get this out of the way my friends… I am NOT a morning person. I’ve never been a morning person and typically wake up cranky, with no interest in talking to anyone or doing anything. But here’s the thing, being positive is a choice and our productivity begins when we wake up, and believe it or not, our brains are hard wired to be more alert in the morning. So, we should try to have some morning routines to help us have a productive and better day, right?
There are those people who can hop out of bed and just get going on all those tasks. My husband is one of them (sigh…). But I can’t be the only one who struggles with hating mornings, so lately I’ve been thinking about how I can change my morning mindset so it becomes more of a pleasant experience. Keep in mind, this is still a work in progress.
Let’s talk about morning routines
As usual, I started my online searches to see how those morning people do it. Turns out, having a daily routine has its advantages and creating habits and activities that you prioritize gives you the opportunity to transform your mindset. It can set the tone for the day, which I personally can always use help with, and allows you to focus on being in the now while increasing your productivity and setting yourself up for a successful day.
Routines can help you create healthy habits and improve mental health. We all know this is absolutely needed and studies show that setting your own unique routines can help you in life.
Some days are just harder than others and as I watch the news, see all the negative, and deal with stresses of the day, it’s not easy to feel like I can tackle a positive day. But the more I try to be a morning person and establish a routine, the more likely I am to have a better day. Therefore, I’ve been giving it my best effort.
Interested in some ideas on creating a morning routine?
Here’s a few I’ve been practicing and some other ideas I need to try.
Stretch – oh how I love stretching. It can improve circulation, provide better flexibility, and relieve pain. So wake up and stretch baby.
Meditate – Meditation is a lovely solution for improving your overall mental and emotional health and there is an endless list of benefits from doing it. Read up on the benefits of meditation on my post here and download some free apps now.
Be grateful – think about 3 things you are extremely grateful for to get your mind going in a positive direction right away. Think about them, say them outload or write them down. Just understand the things you are grateful for.
Make your perfect cup of coffee or tea – nothing better than a hot cup of joe right? Well make it part of your routine and enjoy every sip.
Don’t hit snooze – yea this one is hard, I know, and I’m super guilty of this. But if you get up on the first buzz, you may be tired at first, but likely less groggy throughout the day.
Set a goal or two for the day – this could be a specific work task, maybe a household task, a walk, or whatever needs to get done. Just set a goal and bask in the enjoyment when it is completed.
Finally, hug your loved ones. This includes your furry friends. Hugs can reduce stress, make you feel happier, and get your day off to a good start.
See, routines can be easy and hopefully help us feel better in the morning and have a better day. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Peace, Love & Beautiful Mornings.