Positive Vibes: Pay Everyone the Same Level of Respect

I was raised to treat everyone with respect, including yourself. Recently, I saw a meme that said “treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO” and this caught my eye and hit home. We should always treat everyone with respect, regardless of their position or job status. All humans deserve some reverence and it’s a sad truth that people don’t always do this.

The world we live in is harsh and people can be selfish, we all do it at some point, I’m sure. Today I wanted to remind myself (and share with you) that treating people with the same level of respect is so important. Let’s be sure to take the time to put the shoe on the other foot. What if you were in their shoes? Maybe they’re having a bad day. We’re all grieving over something, so go easy!

I NEVER want to look down on someone for any reason, but I see people do it. No one is better than anyone and you can learn something interesting from everyone. Treating people equally with the same level of respect means you treat everyone the same regardless of their sex, race, social status, religion, disability, whether vaccinated or not, or any other varying views on life. This is a simple basic human right so please, treat everyone with respect, love, and kindness.

This includes yourself.

When you respect yourself, you feel more worthy of receiving love and, in turn, giving love to others. So, practice self-respect, because you deserve it, babe. Write a love note to yourself or stand in front of the mirror and list 3 things you love about yourself. Lately I’ve been trying to be true to what I am, and what I am not – aka, accepting the reality of me. I tried for so long to change that which I am not, but decided to prioritize that which I am. This helped me gain more respect for myself and feel some improved level of confidence. Just a little anyway. :) 

So today my lovely friends, love yourself and love each other and think about how your respect others.

Peace & Love,


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