Lemon Balm for Stress

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These days, the stress level is high and I’m always looking for natural ways to ground myself. Lemon balm is an incredible herb with so many valuable properties and this summer I decided to grow it in my garden to make my own remedies. I ended up using it to make a tincture as well as regularly filling my water bottles with the lemony leaves.

Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family and has some pretty amazing healing properties. Not only does it smell wonderful, but it is edible and can be used medicinally.   


What is lemon balm good for? Well, a ton of things. Lemon balm contains chemicals that have a calming effect. It’s used for anxiety (which I have a lot of these days), stress (yea, a lot here too), insomnia and indigestion, to name a few. It is perfect to infuse water, as a relaxing tea, tincture or ointment and is very easy to make on your own.

I personally love lemon balm to relieve anxiety as it calms your body and can improve your mood. Lately I’ve been combining lemon balm and valerian root in my tea at night before bed. I swear, it helps calm my over thinking, self-critical mind.

Although research is limited, I’ve read that lemon balm can also protect the heart & liver, reduce PMS symptoms, help to prevent & treat diabetes, is an anti-inflammatory, regulates the thyroid, aids in digestion and reduces signs of aging. A lemon balm extract is also believed to improve memory. Crazy right? Why aren’t we all growing lemon balm right now?

Of course, lemon balm is considered safe for most people, but I am not a medical professional so please be sure to consult your doctor before using lemon balm regularly.

Here’s a few recipes for using lemon balm. Be sure to tag @thesunshinehustle on Instagram if you make any of these!

How to make lemon balm water:

Fill a jar with fresh lemon balm leaves. Fill with cold water until it reaches the top and refrigerate for 1-3 hours. You can strain the leaves or simply drink from the jar. You can also add sliced lemon for added flavor. This is a great way to drink more water while getting those added medicinal properties.

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How to make lemon balm tea:

Take about 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon balm leaves (or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves) and tear the leaves into small pieces. Place in a tea ball and pour boiling water over tea leaves. Allow to steep for 5 minutes. For little extra calmness, add ½ teaspoon of valerian root in your tea ball.


How to make a lemon balm tincture:

Take a pint-sized mason jar and fill ¾ full of washed and dried lemon balm leaves, crushed lightly. Fill your jar with 80-proof (or higher) vodka, filling the jar completely. Cap and store in a cool, dark place shaking periodically. After 4-6 weeks, strain the leaves using cheesecloth to squeeze as much of the tincture out as possible. Store in your jar or a dropper bottle for easier use. This tincture will last for a few years.  

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This tincture is perfect for when you need a good night sleep or to help you reduce stress and anxiety. Start with taking one dropper full at first to see how that works for you. Then you can increase dosage if needed.

If you want to make an alcohol-free tincture, use a food grade vegetable glycerin instead of vodka.

Enjoy a stress free life, friends. Peace & Love,


Tag @thesunshinehustle on Instagram and hashtag #thesunshinehustle


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