10 Things Every Woman Should Know How To Do


Happy Women's History Month folks! It’s a beautiful time where we get to celebrate us lovely ladies and the amazing contributions women have made in this world. It should really be longer than one month, but it’s better than the single day it used to be!

Being a woman can be a challenge, right? We’re expected to be and do so many things. We have to be nurturing yet tough. Vulnerable yet stoic. Sexy but with limits. Self-reliant but dependent. Ambitious yet passive. It can be a lot but the joy of being a woman is that we can proudly be all of these things and do anything we want.  

In honor of this month, I decided to make a list of a few things I think every woman should know how to do. Sure, we could say every woman should know how to bake a pie, sew a button, or cook a meal from scratch. Those are amazing things but we can go bigger and take advantage of the vulnerability, self-reliance, beauty, and tough traits.
So, here’s my top 10 list:

1.) Throw a punch.
Jab, jab, cross. Although I’ve never actually had to punch a person, I’m glad I know how to physically throw a punch. If you’re curious – curl your fingers into your palm, position your thumb over your fingers (not under them), keep your wrist locked and aligned with your forearm, and hit your target with your middle and index fingers’ knuckles. Knuckle sandwich baby.

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2.) Know it’s ok to cry.
As women, we need to embrace our natural sensitivity and nurturing ways. I love a good cry and used to try and hide it or be ashamed of it, like I was weak. Forget that crap! Crying is healing. Caring for others is beautiful. Being sensitive is powerful.   

3.) Put that small amount of makeup up on to look effortless.
Honestly, these days I barely wear any makeup. Who needs it when all I do are virtual calls? But in normal times, my go to easy breezy makeup routine includes; Revision Skincare Intellishade Original Tinted Moisturizer, eyebrow liner (because I barely have eye brows), blush and a little mascara. Boom!

4.) How to drink bourbon.
Ok, bourbon isn’t for everyone, but there is something sophisticated about being able to sip on a good glass of bourbon. Picture pouring a glass after a long day of work, sitting on the deck, listening to music or reading a good book, with your feet kicked up and the sun in your face. AaaHhh.


5.) How to do it yourself.
This comes in many forms, but every woman should be able to support herself in some small way. This could be financially, physically or mentally. We should know how to use a drill. How to garden. How to lift something heavy. How to change a tire. How to paint the walls. Shovel the snow. Get dirty. Take out the trash. Put together a shelf. The moral of the story here, is that we need to know how to take care of ourselves with no one’s help. Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband doing a lot of these things, but it’s nice knowing I could do them if I wanted. :)

6.) How to acknowledge the little things.
Those little things make you softer & stronger at the same time. Acknowledge the beauty around you – from a flower, to a bird, to a blue sky, to the rain – notice those things and thank the universe for giving us the life and beauty around us.

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7.) When to reach out to a friend or friends when you need it.
Friends are our lifeline, and a good friend will always be there when you need it. I have my groups and know I can call or text them when I’m down or struggling. Talking to someone during those dark times can heal and change your mood in an instant. Thank you to all my beautiful friends out there. You’ve always helped me when you didn’t even know it.

8.) How to love everything about yourself, even the things you hate most.
Let’s be honest, we all hate something about ourselves. I’ve always been self-conscious about my body, the things I say, my intelligence, and so on. It is literally so hard to just love yourself for who you are. But as I’ve aged, I’ve tried harder to go easy on myself. It’s an ongoing battle, but I will never give up.

9.) Learn and continue learning.
Learning brings self-confidence and improves brain function. Learning could be anything, big or small, and can be career related, nutrition or health, something crafty, or just something you find joy in. For me, I’m working on herbalism. Finding free resources where I can learn something I’m passionate about. What are you interested in learning?

10.) Finally, and most important, every woman should know how to take a compliment.
Why is it so awkward to just say thank you when someone gives you a compliment? I usually feel so uncomfortable and create this self-deprecating reaction. Why? As humans we crave compliments but why can’t we accept them? It’s ok to simply say ‘thank you’ and move on.  

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That’s my list of things women should know how to do. What are your ideas of things women should know how to do? I’d love to hear your inspiration to add to my personal growth list!  

Peace & Love,


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