Things I Won’t Let Worry Tell Me


Oh, the joys of worry! Does your heart ever race all the sudden? Or does your stomach feel sick as your thoughts begin to spiral on the worst possible scenario while you feel like everything is falling apart? Worry and anxiety feels so overwhelming and can make you feel out of control. I’ve been there and at times it has consumed my day.

Some days I wake up feeling amazing. Others, I do nothing by worry about what makes me less than perfect or where I think I fall short. Some days I feel despair and joy at the same time. But no matter what, somehow that little worry bug starts to creep up and I begin to over analyze every single detail. What am I doing with my life? Why can’t I just be happy?

I never used to worry so much. I used to feel so confident (and happy) about who I was. But I guess things are just chill in your youth. Now we’re all adulting, and that positivity struggle became real. So, I’m trying to find ways to cope with those things that are outside of my control. Every day can be a challenge when there’s good and bad in each day. I think the key is to notice it, acknowledge it, keep on truckin’, and hold those good and bad thoughts in your consciousness, knowing you will be ok. This shit called life can really suck and sometimes it feels like worry is all you have. But I try to remember things can change in a matter of a single moment.

The last few weeks I’ve been worrying and thinking about everything wrong in my life, everything wrong with me. Some days were manageable, others were not, but I tried to accept them for what they were and move on to a new day. I decided I wasn’t going to let the worry run my life. I know my worry will always be there, but I don’t want it to consume everything.


So I made a list of the things that run through my mind on spin cycle, those things that bring me worry and uneasiness, and decided I wouldn’t let worry tell me I’m less than. I won’t let worry tell me:

I’m not good enough.
I won’t let my worry tell me I’m not good enough, because I am good enough. I often tell myself I’m not good at life, at my career, or at this blog writing thing. But, so what? If I suck, I suck. I’m going to try going easy on myself and accepting me for who I am.

I’m not smart enough.
I won’t let worry tell me I’m dumb. I know what I know, and I’ll continue to learn what I can. I may not be the smartest person in the room, but I can be the brightest crayon in the box. After all, the smartest people are people who make mistakes and learn.

I’m not strong enough.
I won’t let worry tell me I’m weak. I may cry and I may fail but bet your sweet ass I’ll get back up and dry those tears. I am strong and I am enough.

I’ll never be happy.
I won’t let worry tell me life will never get better, because I know it will. Life is a constant mountain to climb, but every now and again, you get to easily roll down the grassy null with the sunshine in your face.  

I should care what people think.
I won’t let worry tell me I need to care about what people think of me. It doesn’t matter what other people think. I have a circle of love around me and I am who I am. I will continue to be passionate, kind, positive and caring – and too bad if you don’t like it.


At the end of the day, I know my worry will be there, on and off. But the way I react to the worry is how I can manage the worry, and I will remember these themes:

  • This will pass. Just go with it and know it will be ok.

  • Worrying will not change the outcome.

  • This is temporary.

  • I have everything I need. I am safe.

  • I am strong.

  • Breathing is a simple task. When I worry, I will take a step back, relax and breathe.

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My plan is to remind myself that I do rock. I’m going to stop wasting time on all my faults and imperfections. When I do feel worry, I will stop, breathe, feel, and remember I’m perfect just the way I am. Life is too short to worry about anything less than what makes me happy because troubles will come, and they will pass.

Pumping yourself up like this is easy, right? Not really, but we can all do a better job at being kind to ourselves. We are perfect just as we are!

What do you worry about? Am I alone in thinking the things above? What do you do to worry less? I’d love to learn from you so feel free to leave a note below.

Peace & Love my beautiful friends,


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