Things I Won’t Let Worry Tell Me
Are you ever overwhelmed by worry? I am and lately, it’s been rearing its ugly head more often. So I made a list of things that run through my mind and described what I won’t let worry tell me. What do you worry about?
2020. The Glass is Half Full?
2020 was the worst, but try going through your phone to remember what really happened. It might not be ALL bad?
9 Ways to Have a Stress-Free Holiday
Looking for ways to have a stress-free holiday during a pandemic? Here are 9 tips to consider this year.
10 Ways to Give Yourself a Mood Boost
If you're looking for ways to turn your bad mood around, here are ten ways to improve your mood and mental health.
The Sunshine Challenge
My challenge to you - do any kind gesture for 2 people this week. We could all use a little sunshine in life. Let’s take care of each other.
Best Camping Tips Part 2: Weekend Checklist
Having the right gear for a camping trip is critical. Here are my favorite items to pack in your car, camper or van for the perfect weekend getaway.