The Sunshine Challenge


This post is simple – I’m asking you to accept The Sunshine Hustle Challenge to do something kind for 2 people.

You know those days when it’s just so hard to put on a smile? Whether it’s the basic stress of life or the fact there’s something serious you’re dealing with. No matter the challenge, some days, it’s simply hard to get out of bed.

I definitely have moments of anxiety, despair and sadness but tend to just hide it and try to move on, even when ‘moving on’ feels unattainable. It’s good to remember that everyone has moments like this and someone you know (or don’t know) could be having their moment right now.

I read this article titled “Everyone Around You is Grieving. Go Easy.” The moral of the story was that every human passing you by in life can be fighting to get through the day without breaking down. We all worry and struggle with something at some point in life and that person you pass today might be dealing with something difficult. So, go easy!

This week, I decided to send two friends who are going through a difficult time, a little box of “sunshine.” It wasn’t anything grand or super exciting and it didn’t take much effort. I just want these friends to know I’m thinking about them, I’m here, and it’s going to be ok.

So, I challenge each of you this week to do something thoughtful for 2 people. It could be someone you know, it could be a stranger. Just do something kind for another human, because you never know what they could be going through in that moment, on that day. And your kind gesture could be the lift they need to get through. Let’s take care of each other.

Peace & Love,

BE SURE TO SHARE YOUR KIND GESTURE AND TAG @thesunshinehustle on Instagram.


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